The aim of PariPari is to create a peer-to-peer network, based on the Kademlia algorithm, which will offer a certain number of base functions and will act as a platform on which different plug-ins will (and already are) developed. Some of the already-in-development plug-ins are eDonkey/eMule and BitTorrent clients, a distributed storage client, a distributed DNS server, an IRC client, a VoIP platform, ...
Inside the core of PariPari various strategies are being implemented to prevent any abuse of the clients and of the network itself.
On the project's website a first (not-much-working-) example of the built application can be tested; the development version is coming along quite well and in the next weeks should be featured on the home page of the site instead of the current first test version.
For any further information refer to the project's website, the developers' wiki (in the process of being fully translated in English), and PariPari's Bugzilla bug-tracker.
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